How to cook Spaghetti Squash
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How to cook Spaghetti Squash

I have been hearing for years how delicious spaghetti squash is and what a great alternative it is to pasta.

Now I am going to be honest here, does it taste like pasta? No

Does it have the same consistency? No

Is it a substitute for pasta?  Absolutely! Especially, if you can’t eat many carbs or gluten.

It really is delicious!! My husband who loves pasta was very reluctant to even try it, fell in love with it! He even accepted that if there was a reason why he would need to stop eating pasta, this would do the trick for him.

In my opinion, as a pasta enjoyer, this truly gives you the satisfaction of eating pasta, you get to swirl your fork around the “spaghetti” and you can pair it with any pasta sauce you like.

I truly loved it!

Also, spaghetti Squash has a ton of meat inside, one squash can easily serve 6 -8 portions.

I like splitting all the spaghetti in half and doing different recipes with them. Whether you want to do something like this Homemade Alfredo Recipe or something more rich like this Creamy  Bolognese Recipe, there are a lot of different options to elevate your spaghetti squash experience. 

Spaghetti squash is Keto, Gluten Free, Low Carb, and plain delicious!!


How to cook Spaghetti Squash



  • 1 spaghetti squash
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • Salt and pepper

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  1. Preheat oven to 400F
  2. Cut the top of the squash
  3. Cut the squash vertically, it is very hard to do it so grab a good knife and be very careful.
  4. With a spoon remove all the seeds and stringy bits from the inside
  5. Place them on an oven tray, inside up
  6. Dab around a tablespoon of oil on each half and massage it with the oil
  7. Salt and pepper the open halves
  8. Flip them around (so inside facing down on the pan) and put in the oven for 1 hour.
  9. Take them out of the oven and carefully flip them back over
  10. This is where it gets fun! Grab a fork and start shredding the squash. It instantly becomes strands in the shape of spaghetti.
  11. Shred as much as you can and set aside
  12. Add your favorite sauce and enjoy!

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